Thursday, February 28, 2013

Don't look at me...I didn't touch the salt!

I have been wondering all day what to write about.  I don’t want to bore anyone with incessant goings on about my son (although he’s absolutely adorable).  I’m not necessarily one to get into political arguments so I’m definitely not going there.  I could write about how my dog is overweight and has to be on a diet or the fact that my cat is weird but eh.  So I did all the other things I needed to do and then it smacked me right in the forehead.

Family.  There’s so much that goes into being a family that that little word does not do it justice.  Not in my opinion anyhow.  You have your ups and your downs. There are fights and there are hugs.  You cry together and laugh together.  Distance may separate you.  Age may separate you.  Some families have feuds that last a lifetime and some are pretty much like the Cleavers. 

We all have that one family member that drives us up the wall.  You know the one I’m talking about.  If you say you don’t have one then something is wrong.  We all have our own attitudes and preferences and from time to time they clash with other family members.  That is completely okay.  The real meaning of family is being there for one another.  Whether it is being there to hold each other in times of sadness or to loosen the salt shaker at family picnics, we need each other.  After all, that’s what we’re here for.

Family relationships are always dynamic.  I think one of the most awesome things about family is all of the little quirks.  The most beautiful part is coming together when something is wrong (even if it is that ONE family member who you can’t stand to be around).  Always remember that you are loved and needed by your family and never take them for granted. 

P.S.  If any of my family reads this…don’t look at me if the salt shaker comes open =P

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mommy's Funny

My teenage toddler, as I call him, is down for his nap.  Granted he’s not actually napping yet.  He’s gotten pretty good and going down for me at naptime and bedtime.  Of course that’s subject to change without notice.  Wouldn’t it be awesome to get a formal notice before they do things?  Maybe even a little sticky note that says “this is your first and only warning that in 47 minutes and 30 seconds not only will I have a dirty diaper I will also pull all of the movies off the shelf and throw a tantrum because they’re now on the floor”.

All tantrums, fits, and general misbehavior aside, I am truly grateful and happy to have my little boy.  He is absolutely the best blessing I’ve ever received.  Whether they are planned or a surprise, as in my case, they truly are wonderful.  I remember that it took forever for that “mommy” word to sink into my brain. 

This morning I was an all living, breathing toy box.  He piled me high with cars, trucks, and dinosaurs.  Needless to say he wasn’t very happy when I had to get up.  Some days I have to wear a diaper on my head to get him to stay still while I’m changing him.  Others I have to walk around like a penguin or a monkey to put him in a better mood.  I love those moments when I’m in public.  I end up making a fool out of myself to keep him content.  I never think about it until after.  Then I’m looking around hoping no one saw it.  Ah, the things we do for our children.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cheerio Toss

There go the Cheerios.  All over the floor I just vacuumed.  You got to love toddlers don’t ya?  The amazement that you feel at their overwhelming joy of throwing their food on the floor gets you every time doesn’t it?  My son particularly loves throwing his cereal around as if they are little flying spaceships that are crash landing at speeds that would make most other foods faint.  If it’s lunch or dinner time he enjoys throwing it on the floor and watching the dog scrounge around to get it.
Children are absolutely amazing.  You never know what they are going to do next.  Of course it will most likely be something you have told them not to do 20 times already.  Hey, at least they do it with a smile.  Well, not so much a smile really.  It’s more like the face the Grinch makes when he gets his idea to steal Christmas. 
              My son likes to laugh when he’s being punished.  “You’re putting me in time-out mom?  What?  Well that’s just plain hilarious to me” is the message that I often perceive he’s thinking when he’s being corrected.  I do believe he thinks it is one of the most fun games he plays with mommy and daddy. 
            Hey look more cereal flying high through the air.  This time its flight was accompanied by his cup, a zebra, and a horse.  One day I may actually measure distance.  There has to be a world record for that right? 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

            A little while ago I decided that I wanted to start a blog.  After all I have always enjoyed writing and this would be an outlet for all the ramblings in my brain.  That was a year and a half ago when my son was six months old.  He is now very much a two year old complete with all the terrible twos has to offer.  I had originally written only one post.  Our lives got even more complicated, busy, and just generally hectic.  I eventually forgot about my blog in the midst of bottles, baby food, school and the rest of life. 

            So here we are now.  My fiancĂ©, our son, and I are continuing our journey together.  There are many things ahead of us.  We continue to be a loving and crazy little family.  As I write this I hope that allowing you to peer into our lives will help give you inspiration, entertainment, and definitely lots of laughs. 

